Positive Birth Experiences
Through education, compassion & care
Through self-hypnosis, special breathing techniques, and visualization, HypnoBirthing® prepares mothers for calm relaxation, where endorphins replace the stress hormones that constrict and cause pain.




Why I Do It
I believe the greatest gift you can give your children is a foundation of love, security, and deep connection, nurturing them into healthy, confident individuals who positively impact future generations. This gift begins in the womb.
You and your birth partner will build confidence and be ready to give birth in 6 sessions of 2.5 hours (15 hours total).
"Choosing HypnoBirthing means pursuing an empowered, informed, and serene birth, transforming the birth experiences into positive, life-affirming event" - Alicia Contreras
Unit 1: Building A Positive Expectancy
Unit 2: Falling in Love With Your Baby
Unit 3: Advanced Visualization & Deepening
Unit 4: Childbirth, A Labour of Love
Unit 5: The Final Act, Bonding & the 4th Trimester
The program also includes:

"My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a truly safe, comfortable, and satisfying birthing for herself and her baby"
- Marie Mongan, founder of HypnoBirthing®
Alicia had three empowering water-birth experiences with HypnoBirthing®, but what moved Alicia to become a HypnoBirthing® Practicioner was to listen to the distressing birth stories of other moms. She wanted to support positive childbirth experiences with as many women as possible.
Alicia's expertise in HypnoBirthing® has not only benefited her clients but also the HypnoBirthing® community at large. Her contributions to the HypnoBirthing® Institute are significant. The video of her second birth is part of the HypnoBirthing® curricula, and her voice narrates the Spanish version of the Institute's relaxations and affirmations.

Alicia trained under Dr. Vivian Keeler, the HypnoBirthing® Institute president. Dr. Vivian's guidance helped shape Alicia's approach and integrate the philosophy into her practice.
HypnoBirthing® Data:
77% of HypnoBirthing mothers who birthed vaginally did so without epidural anesthesia
45% of HypnoBirthing mothers birthed in under eight hours
17% of HypnoBirthing mothers birthed via C-section, compared with the national average of 32%.
9.5% of HypnoBirthing mothers chose to birth in the comfort of their homes (the national average is less than 1%)
6% of HypnoBirthing mothers chose to birth in freestanding birth centers (the national average is less than 1%)
*data provided by HypnoBirthing Institute, between 2005-2010
Alicia is here to guide and support you
Whether you're anticipating your first child or seeking a more fulfilling birthing experience.

"I learned so much about birth, my body, and advocating for myself with Alicia. The birthing videos helped me feel comfortable with birth. I loved the birthing affirmations and visualization techniques"
- Ale R

"Alicia has a lot of patience and charisma. I liked the meditations and exercises that we did. I found the course very complete and funny."
- Josh C

"I loved that we were able to put our thoughts into writing and how the program allowed my partner and me to communicate about our wishes and desires, not just about our birth plan, but as new parents to be. It was a comprehensive program"
- Karin A
Why should parents invest in prenatal education?
Getting physically, emotionally, and psychologically ready for the birth of your baby is very important. Birthing is a unique moment in your life and the life of your baby; It will create an imprint in you, your partner, and your baby for the rest of your life.
Sign upAlicia’s Profile
Supported over 50 childbirths as a doula and taught HypnoBirthing® to around 100 couples up to 2023.
Certified International Prenatal Bounding (BA) Facilitator since 2022.
Volunteer Doula in the Marin Community Clinic, supporting moms in vulnerable conditions since 2019.
HypnoBirthing® Professional Doula, since 2017.
HypnoMothering practitioner, providing postpartum tools to new moms since 2014.
Teaches HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method (the original method) to pregnant couples since 2013.
Experienced three natural water births in a hospital using HypnoBirthing® (in 2009, 2011, and 2015).
The video of the birth of her second child is now part of the HypnoBirthing® curriculum taught internationally.
Narrated the HypnoBirthing® guided self-hypnosis audios that are utilized by Spanish-speaking families globally.
Rebozo Skills Workshop by Gena Kirby.
Workshop on the neuroscience of traumatic stress and treatment techniques for healing trauma by Bessel van der Kolk held at CIIS in 2019.
Certified International Prenatal Bonding (BA) Facilitator by Dr. Gerhard Schroth in Germany, 2021 - 2023.
Somatic education retreat with Peter Levine in Croatia, 2022.
Currently pursuing the Birth Psychology Educator Certificate of the Association for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH).
Embrace the journey of motherhood with knowledge, love, and support.
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